Текст песни Obtained Enslavement - Warlock

Исполнитель: Obtained Enslavement
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Warlock

(Music: Heks/Words: Pest)
We dance in the heart of the forest
Our fingers cast no shadows
Torches light the circle
The coven begins
Goddess of fire
Cast me thy moonspell
Grant me the powers of the nocturnal arts
Dance the circle
Unite us in spirit
And bring forth to us thy forbidden pleasures
Brought to life by the pagan
The spirit of the raven
Darkness caresses us
As the nightqueen hears our prayers
Ancient spirits whisper
Unseen is our desire
Immortal souls of heathen faith devour the sun
Goddess of wisdom
Hear the summoning of your childen

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