Текст песни Obtained Enslavement - Torned Winds From A Past Star

Исполнитель: Obtained Enslavement
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Torned Winds From A Past Star

(Music: Heks & Dшden/Words: Pest)
A lightning rips the sky apart
The ground is covered with snow
The trees are torned by the winds from the past
And the sky is left with scars
I hear a voice from a distance
It whispers my name from the deep
My soul is released from the star
From where I have viewed the world
I turn back to where I once was spawned
To the tree where my soul was descent
The moon reflects in the freezing water
And I glimpse a gleam of light in the distant horizons
Like a child who crawls to its mother
I am slowly approaching the horizons
To see the fear in their eyes
As the birds depart from the skies
I hear the screams of a woman
As the stars fade away to die
I remember a time in a past forgotten

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