Текст песни Obtained Enslavement - Voice From A Starless Domain

Исполнитель: Obtained Enslavement
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Voice From A Starless Domain

(Music: Heks & Dшden/Words: Morrigan)
Wandering endlessly in solitude
A vision guides.
A vision of wisdom and magic.
Fear reigns in his heart.
His cursed soul yearns for an end.
A veils lays across the land.
The shimmering dusk flickers and dies
A hazy darkness beyond the realms of mortality
Shadows take form before his eyes
At his side stands the wise one
He who dwells in starless domains
His voice as that of a wandering soul
The key shall you reveal
In a realm few mortals dare to encounter
An odyssey that knows no limits
You must seek the four winds
Dance with the storms
Soar with spirits of old
On an endless blackened sky
You must journey through flames
Of hatred and temptation
Defeat the mighty serpent
Whom exists in spirits of fire
You must venture deep
Into wells of fate

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