Текст песни Obtained Enslavement - Soulblight

Исполнитель: Obtained Enslavement
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Soulblight

(Music: Heks/Words: Pest)
With the soulblight came chaos and hate.
Few were those with hearts of purity
And forgotten were those who drowned in pity...
Brought by others.
As mist the blight appeared.
It covered the lands in darkness and death.
As real as the soil they lived upon
Were the battles waiting to be won.
The field was charged.
The sound of steel meeting steel...
Sung across the plains.
In every corned of the land one could feel the Ground shake.
Axes of war and spikes on clubs ripped and
Cut through flesh. Thousands fell.
Few were those, able to stand.

Просмотров: 41


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