|The Shot| - Биография

Теги и жанры: glam rock, rock, finnish, glam, metal, melodic metal

The band was formed in April 2004 by three close friends Olja Soul, Katty Light and Pate Joker. Years were passing by while guys were working hard and facing a lot of trials. In 2008 the band finally got on stage and gripped the audience’s attention. Energetic, a bit wild and always sincere these young guys won’t leave anyone stay still. Hot music and exotic, philosophical lyrics put a spell on those who listen to them. Coming from the heart, enriched with bitter tears and the pain of love, the spirit remains strong enough to live over and live through the pain. This music leads to unknown depths of a listener's inner world. There, facing the soul's sorrows and griefs, you stand up and go on fighting, resurrected. These guys are really worth seeing. You'll be captivated by their lively show and music! Rock on!

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Просмотров: 36

Топ 10 песен |The Shot|

Дискография |The Shot|

Без альбома

Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 14

Постеры и обои

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Фото |The Shot| №1
Фото |The Shot| №2

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