Anvil - Smokin′ Green

Исполнитель: Anvil
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Smokin′ Green

Every waking moment of every single day
I roll a big fat joint to get me on my way
It changes my outlook, you know it sets me right
Oh how I love it for showing me the light

It′s so cool It′s my school I ain′t no fool.
Smokin′ green, smokin′ green
Under the influence I′ve been

When I′m feeling shitty, I mean really feeling down
You never have to worry when there′s tons of green in town
It′s become a habit, a habit till the end
I can′t but have it, have it as a friend

Every waking moment of every bloody day
I roll a big fat joint to get me on my way
Some people think it′s evil, they just can′t conceive
It′s all a matter of taste and what you believe

Smokin′ green, smokin′ green
Under the influence I′ve been

Просмотров: 40


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