Anvil - 9-2-5

Исполнитель: Anvil
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни 9-2-5

(Lips, Reiner, Allison, Dickson)
Punch the clock
Don′t be late
Wear a tie
Stand up straight
Labour for money
Money for rent
Paying the bills
Is how it′s spent
Don′t do this
Don′t do that
The boss is rich
He′s getting fat

I′ll never survive

Speed it up
Keep working fast
Rules to break
Will this job last?
Don′t do this
Don′t do that
The union hates
A wildcat


Out to lunch
Back at one
Cash the cheque
Weekend′s fun
Sweep the floor

Просмотров: 46


Топ 10 песен Anvil

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