Anvil - Backwaxed

Исполнитель: Anvil
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Backwaxed

( Allison, Reiner, Lips, Dickson)
Your mommy always said don′t take those boys to bed
It might feel good today but in 9 months you′ll pay
I know it′s your first time I′m gonna make you feel just fine
You say you never did and you′re really unprepared

Don′t you worry, don′t you fret
I′ve got a method that ain′t thought of yet
Put it in and pull it out
Slap it on your back and watch it spout

I don′t think you′ll mind if I take ya from behind
Get you on your hands and knees, put your mind at ease
Feel the throbbing what a treat as the wax begins to heat
I think it′s almost there, gonna pull it out with care

Backwaxed, backwaxed, you′re being backwaxed
Backwaxed, backwaxed, you′re being backwaxed

Ow, I think things are coming through
??????????? looks good on you
Now the shine is on your back
Feel the heat of the wax attack

-Verse 1-

Просмотров: 39


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