Текст песни Heavenwood - Judith Heavenwood (1810-1830)

Исполнитель: Heavenwood
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Judith Heavenwood (1810-1830)

Walking so lost
In the cold and dark forest
I gazed upon light
Shimmering in the horizont
Beyond the trees
I felt compeled
To walk into this light
Hidden beneath the bushes
I gasped as I saw
What was creating
This gloomy sight
A woman, so fragile
And perfect lines had she
So beauty and white
Was her pretty face
She gazed upon my eyes
and called me next to her
Without thinking I obeyed

Come, come to me
Don′t be afraid

With such a voice
So pure and soft
I felt so weak
Listening to her
Naked before me
Lying in the leaves so pure
She invited me to lay down
With her and touch her body
So warm and soft were here breasts
So hot was she, within her legs
I sink my body within hers
I touched heaven and paradise
Her moan brought me such delight
As I never felt before

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