Текст песни Heavenwood - Emotional Wound

Исполнитель: Heavenwood
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Emotional Wound

My soul is tired like the evening sun
It is night and the moon is full
In this place alone I am
Hoping to see behind the dawn
In this dark and long winter of torment
I′m passing through
In sadness I will dwell
Hoping to see any light to fade away
Haunted by dreams dressed in black
Embraced within them and in their loneliness

Searching for serenity
Within my deepest inner sould
When pleasure is found
Ecstatic I will be
And no more will I hold this
Overwhelming sadness
I log for scarlet days
Of pleasures and delight despite that being
So insipid and unreal in this gloomy future

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