Текст песни Heavenwood - In The Meadows Of Heaven

Исполнитель: Heavenwood
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни In The Meadows Of Heaven

See the light and follow it
That was what they told me
Isn′t it so sad
That all was a rotten lie
I have not seen any light
All that surrounded me was
A frightening cold blackness
And that something seemed a womb
I reborn out of nowhere
I can′t remember a thing of what I was
All I know is that I came from the meadows
Of what people call heaven
I lived after death
I could fell as if I was one
With the universe and as if I
Could sense all the innermost
Thoughts of everyone

(Lead: Miguel)
(Lead: Ricardo)

Просмотров: 35


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