Sombre Chemin - Биография

Теги и жанры: black metal, nsbm, french black metal, french, raw black metal, france

Current line-up
Weltanschauung - Vocals
VilwolfHeim - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Drums (Heidenwelt, Blutschrei, Interfektor, Nihdrym, Widomar)

Session members:
Svartulv - Female vocals

Former/past member(s)
Navint Alfius (Session) (Deviant (Fra), Eternal Majesty)
Vjohrrnt Varg Wodansson (Black Sun Rising, Dark Covenant, Fjrd, Moonlore, Nacht und Nebel, Shade (Can), Sowilo, Supremacy (Can), Vent Du Nord, Vinland Warriors)

Wolfin (2002)

Additional notes
This band participated in the Graveland Tribute album released in February 2006, covering the song "The Gate to the Kingdom of Darkness".
"Sombre Chemin" also participated in the compilation "Unis Contre Les Religions Du Dsert" by EuropArt.
The band played the song 'L'Edelweiss Triomphant de l'infme Monothiste' for the the compilation 'Unis Contre Les Religions Du Dsert'.
The bad hs also participed to the compilation 'The Night and the Fog III' with the song 'L'Aurore Fraternelle'.

The band is a member of Pagan Front.


Просмотров: 56

Топ 10 песен Sombre Chemin

Дискография Sombre Chemin

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Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 7

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Фото Sombre Chemin №1
Фото Sombre Chemin №2
Фото Sombre Chemin №3
Фото Sombre Chemin №4

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