Synaesthesia - Биография

Теги и жанры: ambient, electronic, chillout, dark ambient, drjazzmrfunkmusic

Synsthesia was a Canadian ambient band in the 1990s formed by industrial musicians Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber as a side project of their main band Front Line Assembly. Keyboard magazine writes: "Synsthesia explores dark tribal ambient sounds, composers have a flair for cinematic electronica, and favor epic pieces that unfold slowly."

Due to contractual entanglements Leeb and Fulber were originally not able to admit they were behind the music. Instead credits went to "R. Deckard", an allusion to the main character in the film Blade Runner. The identity of the musicians was revealed with the release of the third album, Ephemeral, crediting Leeb with the music and Fulber with programming.

Synsthesia uses samples from a number of musicians and from the film Fire in the Sky.


Просмотров: 50

Топ 10 песен Synaesthesia

Дискография Synaesthesia

Без альбома

Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 19

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Фото Synaesthesia №1
Фото Synaesthesia №2
Фото Synaesthesia №3
Фото Synaesthesia №4
Фото Synaesthesia №5
Фото Synaesthesia №6

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