Текст песни Candlemass - Mourner′s Lament

Исполнитель: Candlemass
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Mourner′s Lament

et me stay here by your side
be one with you my precious child
Let me cover your bed with tears
I will save you from all fears
I burn the candles for your soul
I sing you prayers as the preacher told
I bring you flowers, I dress in black
though I know this cannot give you back

I sleep by your shadow
remembering your light
In my heart
I′m with you every night
Far goes your journey
into the unknown
wherever you might be
be well my son [1st time: you are my son]
Why just you my flesh and blood
I cannot live nor understand
my dearest treasure to be found
six feet under in sacred ground
Watch me bleed you lucky ones
I envy you your living sons

Просмотров: 55


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