Текст песни Candlemass - Abstract Sun

Исполнитель: Candlemass
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Abstract Sun

(Lyrics by Leif Edling)
Abstract sun, you′re the Sanskrit in my book
Dominion, innocence and pride you took
As a god, I drink the beauty with my eyes
As a man, I do become what I despise
The first time I tried, I bled and I died
Out of the jar to this flamboyant star
Drawn like a moth, clutching because
The idol was there, I approached struck with fear
Locust sun, you′re the apple and the pie
Appolyon, wrapped in ash and so am I
And I ask, do men cry or am I wrong?
Gone too far will I live to end this song?
Again now I crept, I saw and I wept

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