Текст песни Save Ferris - Under 21

Исполнитель: Save Ferris
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Under 21

The other night I tried to go to a show
But the man at the door
He told me no
He said, ";No one under 21 allowed";
But he must have been stupid ′cause I saw my friends in the crowd
He said, ";You can′t buy an alcoholic drink";
";So we don′t care what you really think";

Why′s this happened to me
And the show was for free
It sucks to be
Under 21

So I went and got myself a plan that would work
And I went on home and got a real short skirt
And I flirt my way right through that goddamn door
But once inside the music was no more
Well I guess I got there just a bit too late

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