Текст песни Save Ferris - Goodbye

Исполнитель: Save Ferris
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Goodbye

Deep in the heart of every man
Lies a hidden dream or plan
To be a milloinaire
Life without a care

Hey cool cat
Does this apply to you?
Don′t you lie
′Cause you can′t hide the truth

I can see what′s behind those eyes
Tongue so twisted from tellin′ lies
You might think you′re strong
But you better not treat me wrong
Or else I′ll say so long

I never want to see you again
I don′t want to be your friend
So long
Now we′ve reached the end
Time for me to turn that bend
When time has run away
And there′s no need for me to stay
And lose myself to you
And be abused by you
I don′t need the pain
From your mind games
When you try them again

Просмотров: 36


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