Текст песни Sadness - Talisman

Исполнитель: Sadness
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Talisman

"Dark symbol you release the spirits"
Spirits that ravage the sky and the earth
That ravage my dwelling
Spirits that devastate with the power of giants
Demons similar to mad bulls
Shameful spectres in their image
I see their hate against humanity
Against all beliefs, holy or occult
They spray the gos with a rain of blood
Whether are gods or not

Black talisman
By the power of the gods
We exorcize you
Black talisman
That shadow that fertilize the seeds
Mate under the moon

I am weary of always plundering the cemeteries
To find still fluid blood there

Просмотров: 41


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