Текст песни Sadness - Below The Shadows

Исполнитель: Sadness
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Below The Shadows

"Melancoly that turns around me, like a thorny rose
A thorny rose that winds around me like melancoly"
"Melancoly that turns around me, like a thorny rose
A thorny rose that winds around me like melancoly"

Look over there, the trees next to the frozen lakes are
Bored since eternity...
Empty and beutiful looks: melancoly... I love you...

Same words, same speeches, same gestures
Empty and beautiful looks
Come and surround me, some and surround me melancoly
Come and surround me, some and surround me thorny roses

Below the shadow
Not a word, not a gesture, beauty...

Просмотров: 44


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