Royal Crown Revue - Honey Child

Исполнитель: Royal Crown Revue
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Honey Child

(Deadric Malone)

Sometimes your love is just like honey
So sweet and wild-so sweet and wild
Sometimes your love is just like menthol
So cool and nice-so cool and nice
That′s why I don′t want no other lover
Nobody but you

Honey child, honey child

You got a funny little way
A way of teasing
Feels so right, yeah so right
You′ve got a way-such a way
Through the night, all through the night
That′s why I don′t want no other lovin′
Nobody but you

Honey child

You got a brand of lovin′
That sets my soul on fire
You got a brand of kissin′
That drives me wild
That′s why I don′t want no other lover

That′s why I don′t want no other lover
That′s why I don′t want no other lover
Say, that′s why I don′t want no other lover
Say, that′s why I don′t want no other lover, baby

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