Razor - Red Money

Исполнитель: Razor
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Red Money

music and lyrics by Dave Carlo

I don′t think you realize the way things really are
Play with fire, burn yourself, you let things go too far
Now you come to me and say that you can′t pay your dues
You′ve been warned 1000 times so now you′re going to lose
Fool, you know you′ve got more debts than anyone I′ve met
Compound interest paid in blood, cause loan-sharks
don′t forget... Where you live
Skipping town will do no good. I knew you′d try to deke
Sent my friends to follow you and now you′re up shit′s creek
You can′t con a con man, there′s no point, you′re going down

Просмотров: 43


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