Razor - Parricide

Исполнитель: Razor
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Parricide

music by Adam Carlo; lyrics by Dave Carlo

Late at night you open the door
Your old man′s drunk and madder then hell
Another violent conflict, you never asked for this
The place that you call home is now a cell
He′s punching out your mother, and now he turns on you
This always seems to happen every night
You′re heading for the kitchen, you grab a butcher knife
This time you know you′re gonna have to fight
You warn him that you′ve had enough
This time he′s gonna get what he deserves
He charges. you knife him
You wasted him before you lost your nerve
You stabbed him twenty times. It only seemed like once
Your family′s in a state of shock
The bastard lies there lifeless, your mother starts to scream
You know you′re gonna have to call the cops
You warned him, that you′d had enough
This time he had to get whet he deserved
He charged you, you knifed him
You wasted him before you lost your nerve
The cops are knocking on your door. the neighbours crowd outside
An ambulance is wailing In the night

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