Текст песни Rancid - Lock, Step & Gone

Исполнитель: Rancid
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Lock, Step & Gone

The ending isn′t here somethin′ wrong but it′s comin′ real soon I lock step
I′m gone I said the feeling isn′t fear there′s something wrong it′s just
telling you to move I lock step I′m gone a fire on the corner and it′s never
gonna stop killer in the neighborhood never got caught I lock up my door step
out and I′m gone Waitin′ for the buses but the buses won′t come all the docks
are quiet there′s somethin′ wrong and there′s no ships comin′ in I lock step
I′m gone where there once was a riot there′s somethin′ wrong there′s a whole
lot of nothin′ lock step I′m gone the stop signs broken and the meters goin′

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