Текст песни Rancid - Journey To The End Of The East Bay

Исполнитель: Rancid
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Journey To The End Of The East Bay

Reconcile to the belief consumed in sacred ground for me there wasn′t always a
place to go but there was always an urgent need to belong all these bands and
all these people all these frieds and we were equals but what you gonna do
when everyone goes on without you to the end I′ll journey to the end started
in ′87 ended in ′89 you got a garage or an amp we′ll play anytime it was just
the four of us yea the core of us too much attention unavoidably destroyed us
four kids on tour three thousand miles in a four door car not knowing what was
going years it would turn out like this hell no no preminition could have seen

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