Текст песни Pyracanda - Montezumas Revenge

Исполнитель: Pyracanda
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Montezumas Revenge


The theme that I will talk about
is not sorta house kind
It′s not delicious
No, you won′t figure it out
Won′t have it in your mind
But I′m sure you know this.

Achiing in the guts
Oppression on the farts
These nasty feelings

When you′re trapped
-into Montezumas revenge
You′re lost
-if you got the shits
You′re trapped
-into Montezumas revenge
and lost

Now it′s time to lay down your spoon
I′ll go into details
Realize that you′ll do it soon
Do you remember?

Brubble in your paaants
The evil stench
How painful

When you′re trapped
-into Montezumas revenge
you′re lost
-if you got the shits
You′re trapped
-into Montezumas revenge

Просмотров: 34


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