Pyracanda - Democratic Terror

Исполнитель: Pyracanda
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Democratic Terror

Lyrics: GehenzigMusic: Pyracanda

Evil, of course, turn up the force
they′ve got the license to kill
streets are in flames, switch off your brains
now it′s game over and tilt
truncheous and guns, demonstrators run
looking for trouble and now they start
paving - stones fly, panic arises
everyone has his own part

The streetbattle is in progress
all you can see is only a mess
the roadblocks are a few meters high
so die.
Armed to the teeth, laugh in their sleeve
it′s paradox to die on a runway
signalrockets, knifes in their pockets
to kill, but wait for th eleaders - OK!
Sirens and hoots, troops moving out
feeling like in a case of war
protest march, chaos at large
they pleased themselves and piss on the law


Terror - trample upon the freedom of thought
Terror - they think they′re strong, with the

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