Marilyn Manson - Post Human

Исполнитель: Marilyn Manson
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Post Human

She′s got eyes like Zapruder
And a mouth like heroin
She wants me to be perfect like Kennedy
This isn′t god, this isn′t god
God is just a statistic
God is just a statistic
Say "show me the dead stars
All of them sing."
This is a riot
Religious and clean

God is a number you cannot count to
You are posthuman and hardwired

She′s pilgrim and pagan
Softworn and so-cial
In all of her dreams
She′s a saint like Jackie O

This isn′t god, this isn′t god

Просмотров: 38


Топ 10 песен Marilyn Manson

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