Текст песни Macbeth - The Twilight Melancholy

Исполнитель: Macbeth
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни The Twilight Melancholy

(Lyrics by: Vittorio - Music by: Alex)(Arranged by: Fabrizio, Alex)
The arms of twilight
are dandling my soul
and in her eyes
I see the sweetness
of a bright immortal-graced maiden
who relieves the grieves of my heart.
Wind is whispering your name
throught the clouds in the sky.
I will always remember your eyes
veiled by tears
while the night prelude
casted a spell on our glances.
The eyes of the dying sun
are looking at me
in this romantic immensity
an I can feel this melancholy
pervading deep inside me.
Twilight is whispering your name
to the clouds in the sky.
I will never forget your heart
beating over mine

Просмотров: 33


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