Текст песни Macbeth - Forever...

Исполнитель: Macbeth
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Forever...

(Lyrics by: Vittorio - Music by: Alex)(Arranged by: Fabrizio, Alex)
Our flames burn in this
ephemeral reality,
like dancing candles closed
in upon a mysterious breeze,
our light will slowly fade
like the blaze of a sunset,
obscured by the rebirth
of the nocturnal majesty.
Stand here beside me
and pity our existence,
we are like weak flowers
trodden by the step of time,
my heart bleeds for you,
my only dear love,
embrace me, you and I
will be as one forever...
Stand here beside me
and pity our suffering,

Просмотров: 37


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