Elysium - Night Of The Thousand Suns

Исполнитель: Elysium
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Night Of The Thousand Suns

My mind seems buried
Murdered by your wish
While wandering the path of sadness
All rapture becomes mourning
You seemed so fragile to me
The opposite was real
Unexpected malice
Beautiful oasis turns to desert
Where the clouds gather with the sun
There I stood
Now the tempest is present
And I, I drown in sadness
In my winds of dream
The night of the thousand suns awakes
every sun, every ray, darker than black
Thousands ideas of you Thousands uncried tears
Chained words
uncried tears leaving my eyes
endlessly deep ravines of sorrow
conquering my soul
Delivering screams in the darkness

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