Elysium - Aeon

Исполнитель: Elysium
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Aeon

Intensive uniting in time and space
realization of all imaginable
it seems to be eternity
defining all the tragedies
What is time
and it′s point?
Must we know
or is it just irrelevant
The time we rushed through
just a fragment
fragments in pain and love
..the hope for love
You are one part of my aeon
I am a mark in your aeon
Together we are all
Together we won′t fall
All came so quick
as quick as it stopped
to fast to recognize
to slow to forget
... And I saw your face
Fundaments of mourning
Telling more than a single word
An expression
Like a chapter of the book of know ledge
Just one drop of tears
lets my heart nescience disappear
I see more than you want me to see

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