Текст песни Am I Blood - Lust

Исполнитель: Am I Blood
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Lust

Heading for the planet, there′s a chance
To find your head from the ceiling
Let me hit the door with a can
Full of fingers, I′m praying

Born to be human another day with a
Candle′s end
Thinking about my friend in a plane
Have seat, swallow me deep into the
Mouth of misery drinking pure fule
Cut a head off

Give me the freedom to have my own left

Dirty black color throws a machine
To the side of sickness
The wheels of a flat hole are driving
Me insane with shadows

Backdoor Jesus got his hand full of brains
He thinks about the memory of possessed
Jew Espy a fanatic jew from the camp
Of electrecution, out in nowhere

Lust to the planet

A Bonnie little hippie with the tank
Full of spirit - Antichrist
Heading for the planet there′s a change
To find your head from the ceiling

Просмотров: 29


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