Текст песни Am I Blood - Battlefreak

Исполнитель: Am I Blood
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Battlefreak

Face the truth without fear
Injustice for a dream
Avoid murder in the name
of your testimony

Have you seen a burning brain
Mother in the act of death
Raping for the chosen one
Drilling into a hollow skull

Drown the freak into the sea
Dirt alive in the ground
Polluted massacre′s mind
Creeping over the dark

Have you seen tearing nails
Child in the act of flesh
Waiting for the last belief
Building up a safe disquise

Born of the battlefreak
Attacks with weak disease

Planning days in a can
Listening sounds of the night
Sitting in a trance
In different smile

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