Thrown to belial - Биография

Теги и жанры: deathcore, death metal, grindcore

We are a blackened Death Metal band formed in 2006/early 2007, aiming to incorporate sounds of both classic and modern death metal and black metal. We recorded our demo 'Voices of the Underworld' EP in 2007.

Thrown to Belial has come to abit of a halt at the moment due to all of us being at different universitys and unable to fund the band properly. We still aim to write and release the album at some point, but when….we dont know.

The vocalist (Luke) and drummer (Jake) are working on a seperate death metal band called Hideous Miscreation (> who are currently working on their debut EP, check um out!


Просмотров: 48

Топ 10 песен Thrown to belial

Дискография Thrown to belial

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Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 6

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