A Bloodbath in Boston - Биография

Теги и жанры: deathcore, brutal deathcore

A BloodBath In Boston originally formed in Mount Airy, Maryland in the summer of 2007. The metal scene was already thriving, and they quickly squeezed their way into it while taking over. After a few great years of playing with many national acts, the band started having some issues with members and disagreements. Since then, ABBIB has been on hiatus recording and attempting to complete their line-up. With the release of their debut full length, “A Man-Made Apocalypse” soon to come, they are on their way back to the top. So keep your eyes open for the CD’s release and pick one up when you can…


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Топ 10 песен A Bloodbath in Boston

Дискография A Bloodbath in Boston

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Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 47

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