Vx - Биография

Теги и жанры: grindcore, goregrind, brutal death metal, russian, techno, thrash metal

1. Курские "резаки" VX заражают приземный слой воздуха грубодисперсным нервно-паралитическим грайндом. Яростно-сикозная
реактивная артиллерия, предназначенная для смертельного поражения. Средства защиты и дегазирующие растворы не помогут избежать рвоты, судорог и паралича!!! Для маньяков преданных творчеству Malignancy и Сергея Дроботенко!!!

2. Пост индастриал Группа
"VX new release "Metamorphosis" is certainly an amazing electronic-industrial cd that's refreshing with female vocals that's angry, very intense and emotional in a beautiful way. Songs about betrayal, nightmarish visions and so forth. This duo is Laura Boercker and Tom Whittaker, who is behind this driving force project that's more of post-industrial, bringing back the old classic industrial style fuse with blending guitars, ambient soundscapes, breakbeat, drum 'n' bass, and EBM. This is one heavy intensity industrial dance album ever produced and recorded. Tracks that stands the album out are "Constant", "Without; Within", "Reduced To Silence", a bassline that's so dope funky, "Force Me Forward" and "New Dream". VX is a reminder of Detroit's one woman industrial band Chiasm. Fans of industrial music will surely enjoy this hellify release. VX progressed themselves by going in the right direction and will keep the listener's hungry for more future releases. I like them very much and you will too. The cd is enhanced multi-media that features lyrics, bio, photos and an extra song. Hope the band stay around for a long time."


Просмотров: 60

Топ 10 песен Vx

Дискография Vx

Без альбома

Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 11

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