Nephelium - Биография

Теги и жанры: brutal death metal, death metal, technical brutal death metal, technical death metal, metal

Guitarist Alex Zubair, along with drummer Alan Madhavan, planted the seeds of Nephelium in Arabian soil back in the 90s in the city of Dubai. There, they had a vision of a band with equal amounts of brutality and complexity, which stayed true to the roots of old-school Death Metal yet forged ahead with experimentation and with a proud nod to their numerous musical influences from Metal and other genres.
They became Dubai’s heaviest extreme metal band, but Alex had to return to Toronto, Canada. He convinced his skin-crushing partner to follow him to North America, and there they rebuilt the beast only to see it slain once again by line-up changes. Third time lucky, the guys once again sought out and this time found three other musicians as serious and committed as they are.
Enter bassist Flo Ravet, guitarist James Sawyer, and growlist Devlin Anderson.With the roots of Nephelium‘s old school death metal taking hold, and the modern influences entwining the band’s pummeling and caustic sound, the quintet decided it was time to release its full length debut onslaught.

Coils of Entropy was unleashed on fans on February 7th 2012, and the album’s been received with astoundingly positive reviews. What Nephelium offers is death metal with an array of extreme metal touches, and an undercurrent of classic thrash metal. The band seeks to remain true to the standards of acts like Death, Testament, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, and Napalm Death, while putting its own signature dynamic into the mix. The result is a stunning debut of the most punishing kind.

After a long and tumultuous journey across 10 years, 2 continents and countless lineup changes, Nephelium has finally become the unstoppable Metal juggernaut in a death metal landscape currently lacking bands of this grandiose and true to their roots.
Nephelium is Toronto’s premium Death Metal outfit.

Devlin Anderson - vocals
Alex Zubair - guitars
James Sawyer - guitars
Flo Ravet - bass
Alan Madhavan - drums


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