Hedonistic Exility - Биография

Теги и жанры: technical death metal, technical brutal death metal, brutal death metal, deathcore, death metal, technical deathcore

Hedonistic Exility (technical brutal death metal) was founded in Kiev, Ukraine in 2007. The band took aim to considerable increase in complexity of the material paying attention to it’s technical skills and musicality and joining together Eastern, Egyptian and Neoclassical melodies with cacophony and hypertechnicity of modern technical brutal death metal.

Hedonistic Exility's debute EP "Deevolutional Stasis" contains most musically complex and technical material – from ultrafast gravity blasts and insane riffs to punishing breakdowns.
Band's official MySpace >http://www.myspace.com/hedonisticexility
Current line-up:
>Slash - Vocals
>Led - Guitars/Vocals
>Chub - Bass
>Tsladimir - Drums


Просмотров: 38

Топ 10 песен Hedonistic Exility

Дискография Hedonistic Exility

Без альбома

Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 5

Постеры и обои

1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6
4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6

Фото Hedonistic Exility №1
Фото Hedonistic Exility №2
Фото Hedonistic Exility №3
Фото Hedonistic Exility №4
Фото Hedonistic Exility №5
Фото Hedonistic Exility №6

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