All Hail The Yeti - Биография

Теги и жанры: metalcore, groove metal, hardcore, metal

Consider this the soundtrack to your death. Lurking in the shadows of your worst nightmare lives a mystery of terror, a mythical beast in pursuit of your soul, run but you will never hide from this inescapable fate that is, the All Hail The Yeti. Bringing the brutality from the backwoods of hell to Hollywood, All Hail The Yeti is , Brian Harrah (guitars), Nicholas Diltz (bass), Skylar Fiegel (drums), Craw NeQuent (guitar), and Connor Garritty (vocals). A journey of escape from a metaphorical monster through streams of swamp-like guitars, spastic transitions of slow to heavy drumming and horror-filled screams, have given birth to a sound that brutally intertwines Pantera-esque southern metal grooves with hostile doses of grimy hardcore. Tales of such beasts don’t live solely in the sounds of All Hail The Yeti, in the track "Deep Creek" lyrics read, "Ten feet tall with eyes of fire burning bright, awful stench like garbage and rotting flesh…listen here a story unfolds tonight, say a prayer now learn a lesson in fright", the concept deriving from vocalist Connor’s childhood obsession with the creature. A force to be reckoned with, the live performance of the band makes you wonder where they’ve been hiding all of these years. Like true pioneers of metal, All Hail The Yeti bleeds the blood of seasoned veterans who have molded their experiences from past projects and influences together, cultivating an orchestra of deep-seeded rage planted with southern roots. result!!!" Proving that every end can result in a positive start, Words do no justice, let the beast speak for itself. - ALL HAIL THE YETI!


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Просмотров: 6

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