Текст песни Survivor - Whole Town′s Talkin′

Исполнитель: Survivor
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Whole Town′s Talkin′

n′t you try to make amends
The damage has been done
Don′t expect to part as friends
The battle′s just begun
I waited at your beckon call
My world turned all around you
I shoulda known the day I found you
You′d be leaving me behind
* The whole town,
the whole town′s talkin′
The whole town
The whole town,
the whole town′s talkin′
The whole town*

They′re starin as I pass em by
how can they be so cold?
They′re whisperin′ that I′m the guy
Well I don′t need to be told

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