Suicidal Tendencies - If I Don′t Wake Up

Исполнитель: Suicidal Tendencies
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни If I Don′t Wake Up

Mike Clark/Mike Muir)
Why do I wake up in the morning-nothing′s changed since the day of my
Why do I wake up in the morning-I make no difference on this earth

Strength has left-has to be-something has died inside of me

If I don′t wake up in the morning-at my funeral would anyone care
If I don′t wake up in the morning-would anyone even be there

You can put me down-you can put me out, you can try to ignore
But now you′re gonna hear me when I shout WAKE UP

Why should I wake up in the morning-it be just another wasted day
Why should I wake up in the morning-don′t do nothing right anyway

That was then-not anymore-now I go blasting out the door

I′m gonna wake up in the morning-I′ll prove you wrong I will not fail
I′m gonna wake up in the morning-I′m gonna blaze a brand new trail

Might not be smart, but if I′m strong
I know for sure no one ever will prove me wrong

Просмотров: 44


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