Текст песни Scorpions - Rock ′n′ roll band

Исполнитель: Scorpions
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Rock ′n′ roll band

I pick up my guitar,
Rock this town.
When passion rules I can′t slow down
I′m walking down the streets of hungry hearts.
Where heaven cries when angels fall.
A hollywood stage, girls in a cage.
Action, satisfaction, legs aroung the pole.
Bang, I′m in the spot, give me that shot!
We rock the night away
And that′s the way it goes.

You wanna know who I am?!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
In a rock′n′roll band!
Oh, yes i am.

She walks into the light looking hot!
I love the way she moves, oh my god!
Just another tune her heart goes boom.
Come on little lady give me all you′ve got!
Roaring machines, wet wet dreams.
Too much of everything can never be too much.
Don′t bring me down, don′t wake me up!
Rock′n′roll forever! That′s my drug.

You wanna know who I am?!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
In a rock′n′roll band!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
Oh, yes! Oh, yes my friend.

Night after night.
It′s like a rollercoaster ride.
And when we crash we gonna fall
Into the heart of rock′n′roll!

You wanna know who I am?!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
Oh, yes i am!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!
Oh, yes i am! My friend.
I′m in a rock′n′roll band!

Просмотров: 62


Топ 10 песен Scorpions

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