Lamb Of God - What I′ve Become

Исполнитель: Lamb Of God
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни What I′ve Become

Blank stares from broken men
So withered from the poisons they can′t remember when
There were once honest reasons. Pretending I′m still here
Justify what I′ve become, sanctify what I′ve become
Amazing disgrace.. (how) sweet the sound that saved a witch like me.
Better lost if this is found, best blinded never to see.
The race to save face, nothing now is what we meant it to be.
Pretending I′m still here.
It′s a system now, intertwined.
Take your place in the line to be ground by the gears of the masterpiece.
Suffered consequence
It′s been so long any piece of this made any kind of sense.
You anoint the kind, I′ll burn everything down to ashes.
You giveth, I taketh away.
It′s a system now, intertwined.
Take your place in the line to be ground by the gears of the masterpiece.

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