Текст песни Genesis - That′s Me

Исполнитель: Genesis
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни That′s Me

very morning when the people are out
And I′m free move around on my own
I look into the sun and I see a reflection
Of a sad and lonely shriveled man

That′s me, that′s me
And I know it′s how I′m always going to be

Nothing to do
Nothing to say
Nothing to hope
And nothing to pray

I can′t see
I can′t feel
I′ve forgotten what I′m meant to be
Won′t come back
Not if I try

They told me things about me
That I didn′t know
But I could tell they′ve told me lies
And it really goes to show
That everyone was wrong and
They don′t understand my ways
But it′s not me that′s going wrong
It′s them

I can′t see
I can′t feel
I′ve forgotten what I′m meant to be
Won′t come back
Not if I try

They told me things about me
That I didn′t know
But I could tell they′ve told me lies
And it really goes to show
That everyone was wrong and
They don′t understand my ways
But it′s not me that′s going wrong
It′s them

Every morning when the people are out
And I′m free move around my own
I look into the sun and I see a reflection
Of a sad and lonely shriveled man

That′s me, that′s me
And I know it′s how I′m always going to be

That′s me, that′s me

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Топ 10 песен Genesis

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