Текст песни Danzig - I Don′t Mind The Pain

Исполнитель: Danzig
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни I Don′t Mind The Pain

yrics: Glenn Danzig

remember to call my name
i adore it
if you call my name
i implore it
if w/ all these things we invoke here
call you out our name
but be forwarned dear

i don′t mind the pain

we hear you call our name
we adore it
hear you all these things
that we invoke here
if you call our name
rest assured dear
see you all these things
but be forwarned dear

i don′t mind the pain

and i stay so arcane
in the shadows
of your brain
will i come to you

i don′t mind the pain

hear you all call our name
can you afford it

Просмотров: 45


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