Black Sabbath - Snowblind

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Perth Arena (4.05.2013)

Текст песни Snowblind

OZZY:"Alright were gonna do a number now off our Volume 4 album.
OZZY:Its a number entitled Snowblind."
OZZY:"Come on everybody stand up. We love you."
OZZY:"Alright put you hands together."

What you get and what you see,
Things that do come easily
Feeling happy in my pain,
Icicles within my brain

Something blow′in in my head
Winds of ice that soon will spread,
Down to freeze my very soul
Makes me happy makes me cold

My eyes are blind but I can see,
The snowflakes glisten on the trees
The sun no longer sets me free
I feel the snowflakes freezing me


So crystal world with winter flowers,
Turn my days to frozen hours
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I′ll feel the chilling globe

OZZY:"Alright everybody clap your hands."
OZZY:"Come on let′s go."

Don′t you think I know what I′m doing?
Don′t tell me that I′m doing it wrong
You′re the one that′s really the loser
This is where I feel I belong,
OZZY:"We love you! ...die.."
OZZY:"Let′s go!"

Просмотров: 73


Топ 10 песен Black Sabbath

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