3OH!3 - Dragon Backpack

Исполнитель: 3OH!3
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Dragon Backpack

She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
And She’s been eating children like the wolves eat their young.
She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
And She’s been eating children like the wolves eat their young.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
And She’s been eating children like the wolves eat their young.
She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
And She’s been eating children like the wolves eat their young.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She′s got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack

Просмотров: 40


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