Текст песни 311 - Do You Right

Исполнитель: 311
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Do You Right

Passin′ the kind buds.
Kickin′ back in the sand in the sun.
To be alive is lovin′.
Where the shore meets the seam.
Man I′m hummin′ I′m hummin

I′m free as I stare at the sea.
And I′m not comin′ down.
The world is yours once you have found.
The good is to share.
Which is elsewhere.

The beauty of green is where light is now broken by what it touches. Remembering what you once had told me hit home.
And hasn′t it always been so.

Chorus :
I′m free as I stare at the sea.
And I′m not comin′ down.
The world is yours once you have found.
The good is to share.

Просмотров: 49


Топ 10 песен 311

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