You Me At Six - Trophy eyes

Исполнитель: You Me At Six
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Trophy eyes

Where did we go so wrong
That we couldn′t see
that we lost control
over everything?
It′s personal
She gets involved
We′ve got these faces
They′re painted
So you can′t ever sell

Trophy eyes
You′ve now been mine
For longer than I′d like
You shine so bright
Behind those lies
And I need you more this time

And I am on my own
But not for long
I keep my friends so close
And you even closer
So wrong to say
That I feel this way
But I′m a man of my word
And my words will never change

Trophy eyes
You′ve now been mine
For longer than I′d like
You shine so bright
Behind those lies
And I need you more this time

Trophy eyes
You′ve now been mine
For longer than I′d like
You shine so bright
Behind those lies
And I need you more this time
(This is what we′ll say)

Просмотров: 27


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