You Me At Six - Taste

Исполнитель: You Me At Six
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Taste

And I′m watching you from a room with a view
Take it off, get some clues,
your next source, your next move
We will watch, we will talk, we will talk
We will watch, we will talk, we will talk

Down on you’re knees,
we can settle these debts in the sheets.
With some melodies.
The taste of your lips was a subtle hint,
that you’ve been jumping ship

Wasn′t more than you were expecting,
wasn′t more than you need
A sober safe bed keeps your head clear
And you know the rest
And I know I′m not the one you call when you are alone
And everybody else has their own verse and
You have your own song, your song

Down on you’re knees,
we can settle these debts in the sheets.
With some melodies.
The taste of your lips was a subtle hint,
that you’ve been jumping ship
Down on you’re knees,
we can settle these debts in the sheets.
With some melodies.
The taste of your lips was a subtle hint,
that you’ve been jumping ship
Down on you’re knees,
we can settle these debts in the sheets.
With some melodies.
The taste of your lips was a subtle hint,
that you’ve been jumping ship

Просмотров: 36


Топ 10 песен You Me At Six

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